Patio BBQ 3rd Floor
375 King Street W. 3rd floor Picnic Area
cell 647 294-5291
Victor Carnuccio LOBBY / RECEPTION
Please RSVP
Some of my work will be featured this weekend at the Seattle Erotic Arts Festival.
Here’s the info.
“The installation builds momentum and explodes at its conclusion…”
This installation is wide, and through photographs, paintings, and a monitor displaying hundreds of digital images, it will demonstrate the revolutionary change which took place across this 60 year period.
Many people are unfamiliar with the severe restrictions imposed upon photographers in the mid-century. These artists were often threatened, sometimes jailed, and all were forced to share their work in the most limited manner.
Beginning with George Quaintance’s photography and paintings, through the “posing strap” era of Bob Mizer/AMG and others such as the Western Photography Guild, the images morph into what is available today.
The installation begins with some early black and white images (many from a private collection), which are stunning in their simplicity.
Significant moments are noted, such as the late 1960s when the U.S. Postal Service dropped its restrictions on frontal nudity being sent in the mail. This moment alone was a game-changer: the posing straps (shown in the image above) came off once and for all, and gay erotic photography changed forever.
But it wasn’t just the dropping of the posing straps: technology changed. The forbidden images became available to all. Images which were once only imagined or viewed in private are now accessed by and available to nearly everyone.
The installation builds momentum and explodes at its conclusion as it flashes hundreds of images of the men Jim has known and photographed over the last ten years, representing the current stage of proliferation and freedom in gay erotic art and images.
Brent and George, Las Vegas, 1992 Victor Carnuccio
June 7-July 12, 2012
The intention of this exhibit is to provide common ground for artists and visitors of diverse backgrounds to come together to view, enjoy, discuss or be exposed to art about being Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or Transgender. Sexual orientation was not a prerequisite for artists in this exhibit. All were welcome to submit work that interpreted the theme. The term SameSex is a politically charged, somewhat sterile or safe term, referring to gay rights, marriage and equality. But the art in this exhibit is not sterile. It is flamboyant, funny, beautiful, provocative, surprising and at times tragic. This exhibit contains adult subject matter, parental discretion required.
See some works from this year’s SameSex show in our virtual gallery. Also, in our archives, news from SameSex 2011.
City Lights
37 Markle Court
Bridgeport, CT 06604
Gallery Hours:
Wednesday – Friday, 11:30AM – 5:00PM
Saturday, 11:30PM – 5:00PM or by appt.
Exhibit sponsored by John Stafstrom and Dennis Murphy.
Opening Reception 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. City Lights Patron Members are invited to a Special Preview Party, 5-6 p.m.*
After Party at BARE Tapas & Vino, 269 Fairfield Ave., downtown Bridgeport.
Exhibiting Artists include: Lana Andrade, Michelle Beaulieu, Joan Bombalicki, Chris Bosch, Victor Carnuccio, Rod Cook, Sue Czark, Dianne DiMassa, Robin Fellows, Jean Galli, Anthony Gonzalez, John Glover, Michella Griffo, Trsitan Griff, Israel Guibbory, MIA Lipstick, Abel Lopez, Donna Osterby, Ricky Mestre, Joe Quint, Gearlad Saladyga, Rebecca Schwartz, Felipe Soltero, Richard Taddei, Walter Tomasino, Rebecca Zhukov.
Curated by: Michelle Beaulieu, Suzanne Kachmar, Ricky Mestre, Ben Ortiz, Lee Steele
Mark Taafel
BARE Tapas & Vino, Fairfield Ave. Downtown Bridgeport, CT.
BLOODROOT, Black Rock, Bridgeport, CT.