Monthly Archives: August 2012

Back from canoeing and camping at algonquin

So we went camping in Algonquin provincial Park starting off at the Portage shop on Canoe Lake heading north to Tepee lake that lead to Little Oxtoungue River then into Tom Thompson where we spent the first couple of nights on a quiet Lake. The silence was almost deafening. With hardly any birds chirping, however the weather was perfect aside from maybe 15 minutes of rain on one day. Then we headed back south to Smoke Lake over choppy waters to Ragged Lake where it was much more lively with lots of wildlife. We had an incredible site with the mountaintop be behind us. One of the funniest things that happened was when I wandered down to the waterfront to take some photos and there was an otter that started snorting at me he would dodge under the water and come back up again and snort snort at me and was trying to get me to leave because I discovered that his house was right behind me under the roots of a tree. I’m back in Toronto away from the pleasant dreams of nature and the sounds of the forest. I miss sound the loons and I think we’re going to go again in September I can’t wait.